I spent many years as a researcher in particle physics. After endeavors like building models to simulate dark matter, I realized that the world might need my brainpower on solving more urgent problems.

I then spent a year modeling climate risks at a large insurance firm before getting increasingly interested in capital markets. I believe that long-term power is in the hand of capital investors and not of insurance underwriters.

This lead to the founding of Wangari, a company where I and my team use ESG- and sustainability-related insights to bring financial models to the next level. The name gives hommage to Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai. The founding ethos of the company echoes story of Maathai’s life: Get up and do what’s right for the world, even if that feels uncomfortable in the short term.

Had we been in the simple game of profit maximalisation, we would have started an investment fund. But at Wangari, it’s about the bigger picture. Wangari is about serving the financial world by aligning profit with sustainability. This means sharing their insights and financial models with all types of investors, including you.

Our blog is a distillation of all the insights that resulted from founding this company and that continue to inform our work in financial modeling.

All our posts are published 3 days earlier here: https://wangari.substack.com

Subscribe there to get our posts directly to your inbox, before everyone else.

Medium member since September 2018
Connect with Ari Joury, PhD
Ari Joury, PhD

Ari Joury, PhD

Founder of Wangari. Sustainable finance & ESG-financial modeling. Get all articles 3 days in advance: https://wangari.substack.com