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The shocking correlation between quarantine and domestic violence
The hidden toll of Corona-related injuries is on the rise
With a billion people worldwide in lockdown, it’s worth asking what the cost is — going beyond the impending economic disaster. In all this uncertainty, one thing is clear: it will be worst for the most vulnerable. The losers of this battle against Corona are those with precarious jobs, those with pre-existing health conditions, and those who are locked down with their abusive partners.
Being a survivor myself, I wondered how people who are going through abusive relationships right now would cope with the lockdown. I imagined that they would have no room to breathe as there would be nowhere to go. So I went searching for answers.
The first indication that I was not alone with my questions: According to the BBC, the hashtag #AntiDomesticViolenceDuringEpidemic #疫期反家暴# has been going big on China’s social media platform Sina Weibo.